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Grex update outage, New Status webpage

July 28, 2021 at 6:05 PM UTC

NOTICE: Grex is online for production.

After the last outage, Grex was in production in a test mode for a week since June 9, 2021. We did not get any reports about the new hardware and software. Everything worked as expected. The /home was already migrated to a new, NVME-based server.

Now, all users are encouraged to submit their jobs as usual. To see the time limit and other characteristics of all partitions, you can use our custom script “partition-list”

To submit a job, you need to specify which partition to use by adding to your job script “#SBATCH –partition=” where partition-name is one of the following: compute, skylake, largemem . Note that bigmem partition was eliminated (merged into compute).

If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: support@computecanada.ca , mentioning Grex in the subject line.

New status website

Grex has now a new Status website! Visit https://grex-status.netlify.app !

Last updated: June 30, 2021 at 2:14 AM UTC